New Update | 31st march

31/03/2022 - 13:35

Naraka: Bladepoint is getting a new update where, as custom, there will be new content, events, and much more.

They have carried out map updates like giving them new structure, Trifid Junction, where they have added tunnels between Shipwreck Expanse and Celestra with windows that can be destroyed, which supposes a new way of flanking the enemy. They have also carried out a terrain adjustment in Windwall Gorce, where they have added a big semi-open pavillion structure located at the exit of Shipwreck Expanse Suspended Wreckage.

As for events, we can enjoy Spring Herald from 30/03 to 13/04. You will have to complete weekly missions, open treasures and destroy elements in the game.

If you want more information, read the complete patch notes.

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