Get to grips with patch 11.17!

25/08/2021 - 18:05

Ready for League of Legends patch 11.17? The Crime City Nightmare episode has new skins for Shaco, Twisted Fate and Zyra, as well as some very important updates.

The team behind Riot Games are looking to update the web browser for faster performance, fewer crashes and lower memory consumption.

There have been various bug fixes and, as always, a number of changes made to champions and items. On this occasion it is Akshan, Evelynn and Teemo, amongst others, that have received special treatment.

Watch out! Patch 11.17 has changed the minimum system requirements for League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics on desktop. Be sure you have everything you need to be able to battle on!

To find out all the details surrounding the update, just click here.

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