Welcome to the Year of the Hydra with patch 23.0

06/04/2022 - 14:10

The moment has arrived to see the big clock of Hearthstone again. Get ready to live the new year in Hearthstone, Year of the Hydra.

The Year of the Hydra will start with the launch of Voyage to the Sunken City on 12th April. This year, the Hearthstone team will focus on adding more features and improving existing systems instead of creating new game modes. This objective includes specific practical improvements like the random hero feature, the possibility of reporting within the game and general improvements to client performance.

To discover the roadmap for Year of the Hydra you just need to click here.

Other than this, with this magnificent news we are also getting patch 23.0 which comes with many details. To discover them, read the complete patch notes.

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